Monday, February 25, 2008

Negotiating Sicilian Style

Michael tells Kay about Luca Brasi while at Connie's wedding reception..."Luca Brasi held a gun to the bandleader's head, and my father assured him that either his signature or his brains would be on the release."

The offer the band leader couldn't refuse was strategized and facilitated by Don Vito Corleone. The tactics were 'executed' by a seasoned professional, Luca Brasi.

Employees who deliver consistent sustainable results are critical to the success of any enterprise or business. One aspect of good results is good negotiating. So, what do we replace the revolver with in our negotiations? We learn from the Don in this situation to use all available resources to influence the desired outcome. This does not mean to use all available resources all the time. Use just what you need to tip the scales in your favor.

In most modern negotiations with our family over the annual vacation, the local car dealer, or the annual performance review for a raise in pay we must remember 3 things:

1. Be Prepared: do your homework, know all you can about what you are negotiating.
2. Look for ways to win while making the other party happy with the outcome.
3. Do not get too emotionally involved and be prepared to say no.

We learned from the Don how to use experts like Luca. Hiring the right people makes all the difference. We will learn in another post about the Paulie situation (calling in sick leaving Fredo to drive the Don) how a bad hire could create an unfortunate situation.

Now, when someone named Vito offers you $10,000 for take it!

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